
Extraoil was founded in 2012 out of a love, enthusiasm, and maybe even addiction with olive oil. We currently serve as a conduit between thousands of customers and the top producers of olive oil worldwide.

We discovered there was a severe shortage of high-quality olive oil in after moving to and touring the Mediterranean region, where we sampled the delectable cuisines of each region, all of which used generous amounts of extra virgin olive oil produced locally.

Educating Consumers

The increasing array of inferior olive oils available in supermarkets continues to perplex customers looking for a higher-quality option. It is to everyone’s advantage, buyers and customers alike, to educate those who are looking for authentic, exquisitely fruity extra virgin olive oils.

Eliminating Confusion

By providing you with the essential information required to select the ideal oil for you, together with a wide range of the world’s top oils, Extraoil seeks to remove any misunderstanding. We’re not only an internet retailer. We provide a forum for both beginners and experts to broaden their horizons in terms of knowledge and taste.

Producers Are Important

We place a high importance on visiting the committed oil producers. We follow their careful production processes from harvest to mill as they take us through their olive groves, sharing with us their company’s history and their love of olive oil. And of course, we taste their freshly crushed olive oil right out of the tap, enjoying the satisfaction of tasting the fruit of their labors.

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